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The Count of Monte Cristo

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him he is free." The chief went towards the place he had pointed out
as Albert's prison, and Franz and the count followed him. "What is the
prisoner doing?" inquired Vampa of the sentinel.

"Ma foi, captain," replied the sentry, "I do not know; for the last hour
I have not heard him stir."

"Come in, your excellency," said Vampa. The count and Franz ascended
seven or eight steps after the chief, who drew back a bolt and opened
a door. Then, by the gleam of a lamp, similar to that which lighted the
columbarium, Albert was to be seen wrapped up in a cloak which one of
the bandits had lent him, lying in a corner in profound slumber. "Come,"
said the count, smiling with his own peculiar smile, "not so bad for a
man who is to be shot at seven o'clock to-morrow morning." Vampa looked
at Albert with a kind of admiration; he was not insensible to such a
proof of courage.

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