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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Be prudent, in any event," said the countess.

"Oh, pray be assured of that." Franz took his hat and went away in
haste. He had sent away his carriage with orders for it to fetch him at
two o'clock; fortunately the Palazzo Bracciano, which is on one side
in the Corso, and on the other in the Square of the Holy Apostles, is
hardly ten minutes' walk from the Hotel de Londres. As he came near the
hotel, Franz saw a man in the middle of the street. He had no doubt
that it was the messenger from Albert. The man was wrapped up in a large
cloak. He went up to him, but, to his extreme astonishment, the stranger
first addressed him. "What wants your excellency of me?" inquired the
man, retreating a step or two, as if to keep on his guard.

"Are not you the person who brought me a letter," inquired Franz, "from
the Viscount of Morcerf?"

"Your excellency lodges at Pastrini's hotel?"
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