that he was formed to rule the young men with whom he associated at
present. And, to complete his resemblance with the fantastic heroes of
the English poet, the count seemed to have the power of fascination.
Albert was constantly expatiating on their good fortune in meeting such
a man. Franz was less enthusiastic; but the count exercised over him
also the ascendency a strong mind always acquires over a mind less
domineering. He thought several times of the project the count had
of visiting Paris; and he had no doubt but that, with his eccentric
character, his characteristic face, and his colossal fortune, he would
produce a great effect there. And yet he did not wish to be at Paris
when the count was there. The evening passed as evenings mostly pass at
Italian theatres; that is, not in listening to the music, but in paying
visits and conversing. The Countess G---- wished to revive the subject of
the count, but Franz announced he had something far newer to tell her,
and, in spite of Albert's demonstrations of false modesty, he informed
the countess of the great event which had preoccupied them for the last
three days. As similar intrigues are not uncommon in Italy, if we may
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