and then go on hunting for Merlin."
"Worse than that; it'd be a smash worse than the one when the War ended.
I was only ten then, but I can remember that very plainly. We can't stop
it, and we wouldn't dare stop it if we could."
"What's been going on here in the last month?" Conn asked. "I've been
too busy to keep in touch. I know there's been rioting, and these
crackpot sects, but...."
"I think this is personal to us. There have been some ugly things
happening. There were four attempts to burglarize our offices. I told
you about some of the other stuff, the[Pg 146] microphones we found, and
so on. The worst thing was Lucy Nocero, my secretary. She just vanished,
a couple of weeks ago. Three days later, the police found her wandering
in a park, a complete imbecile. Somebody who either didn't know how to
use one or didn't care what happened had used a mind-probe on her. It's
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