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"I didn't know about General Travis; I didn't even know he was still
alive," Lucas said. "But the rest of it was pretty obvious, once I
stopped jumping to conclusions and did a little thinking. You know, ever
since I came here I've been preaching to these people to stop looking
for Merlin and do something to help themselves. You're smarter than I
am, Conn; instead of opposing them, you're guiding them."

"Did you tell Flora?"

Lucas shook his head. "I tried to explain what you're trying to do, but
she wouldn't listen. She just told me I'd gotten to be as big a crook as
you two." He had the car up to fifty thousand; putting it into a wide
circle around the city, he locked the controls and got out his
cigarettes. "Rod, we've got to stop this. You were just lucky this time.
Some of these days your luck's going to run out."

"How can we stop?" Conn demanded. "Tell them the truth? They'd lynch us,
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