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Novelas Cortas

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=tanto= so much, as much, so; =por ----=therefore; =en= _or_ =entre ----=
=en ---- que= while.
=tapa= top, lid; =---- de los sesos= top of the skull.
=tapadero= stopper.
=tapar= to cover, conceal.
=tapia= mud wall.
=tararear= to hum.
=tardar= to delay, be slow.
=tarde= late; _f._ afternoon.
=tartamudear= to stammer.
=teatro= theater.
=temblar= to tremble.
=temblor=  _m._ tremor, trembling.
=temer= to fear.
=temerario= rash.
=tempano= lump, mass.
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