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Novelas Cortas

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=saludo= salute.
=salvar= to save.
=salve= hail!
=san (= santo)= saint.
=sandez= _f_. folly, stupidity.
=sangre= _f_. blood; =---- fria= coolness, composure.
=sangriento= bloody.
=sanguinario= cruel, bloody.
=santidad= _f_. holiness.
=santificacion= _f_. sanctification.
=santiguar= to make the sign of the cross.
=santo= holy, saintly, saint.
=santon= _m_. Moorish recluse.
=santurron -a,= hypocrite feigning devotion.
=sapo= toad.
=sargento= sergeant.
=sarta= string (_of beads_).
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