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Novelas Cortas

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=pescador= fisherman.
=pescuezo= neck.
=peseta= silver coin (_one fifth of a Spanish dollar_).
=peso= weight.
=pestanear= to move the eyelashes, blink.
=petrificar= to petrify.
=petulancia= presumption, impertinence.
=piadoso= pious, merciful, compassionate.
=picapleitos= pettifogger.
=picar= to prick, sting, mince, nibble.
=picardia= rascality, deceit.
=picaro= knavish, roguish, villainous.
=pichon -a= pigeon, dove, darling.
=pie= _m._ foot.
=piedad= _f._ piety, pity.
=piedra= stone.
=piel= _f._ skin, fur.
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