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Novelas Cortas

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=papelote= _m._ big (_ugly_) paper.
=par= _m._ pair.
=para= for, to.
=paradero= stopping place, abode.
=parador= _m._ station.
=paralitico= paralytic.
=paramo= desert, wilderness, icy region.
=parapeto= parapet.
=parar= to stop; _vr._ to stop.
=parecer= to appear, seem; _vr._ to resemble.
=parecido= resembling, like, alike.
=pared= _f._ wall.
=parir= to bring forth.
=paroxismo= paroxysm.
=parricidio= parricide.
=parte= _f._ part, side, direction.
=participar= to impart.
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