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Novelas Cortas

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=olvidar= to forget.
=olvido= forgetfulness.
=olla= pot, olio, stew.
=once= eleven.
=ondear= to undulate, float.
=ondulacion= _f._ undulation.
=onza= ounce, ounce of gold ($l6).
=opio= opium.
=oponer= to oppose.
=oportuno= opportune, seasonable.
=oposicion= _f._ opposition, competition.
=opuesto (oponer)= opposite.
=ora ---- ora= now ---- now;  either ---- or, whether ---- or.
=oracion= _f._ orison, prayer.
=orden= _m. f._ order.
=ordenanza= _f._ order;  _m._ orderly.
=ordinario= ordinary.
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