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=improvisar= to extemporize.
=impulsar= to impel, push.
=impunidad= _f._ impunity.
=inaccion= _f._ inaction.
=incendiar= to kindle, set on fire.
=incentivo= incentive, incitement.
=incesantemente= continually.
=inclinar= to incline, lean.
=incluso= inclosed, included.
=incoar= to begin.
=incomodar= to disturb, inconvenience.
=inconcuso= indisputable.
=incorrupto= unspoiled.
=incrustar= to incrust, grow fast.
=indecente= indecent, improper.
=indecible= inexpressible, unspeakable.
=indefinido= indefinite.
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