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Novelas Cortas

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=haber= to have, to be; =---- de=, to have to, be going to; =hay=, etc.
  there is.
=habitante= _m._ inhabitant, dweller.
=habitar= to inhabit.
=habito= dress, habit.
=habla= speech, language.
=hablar= to speak.
=hacer= to do, make; _vr._ to become; =hace= (etc.) ago.
=hacha= ax, hatchet.
=hachazo= blow with an ax.
=hacia= toward.
=hacienda= landed property, wealth.
=hallar= to find.
=hallazgo= (lucky) find.
=hambre= _f._ hunger.
=hambriento= hungry.
=haraposo= ragged.
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