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Novelas Cortas

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=fanega= acre, bushel.
=fantasma= _m._ phantasm, vision.
=farmaceutico= druggist.
=fatiga= fatigue.
=fatigar= to fatigue.
=fatuo= fatuous, vain, false; =fuego ----= ignis fatuus, will o' the wisp.
=faz= _f._ face.
=fe= _f._ faith, certificate; =a ---- mia= upon my honor; =a ---- que=
  in truth.
=febrero= February.
=fecundo= fruitful, fertile.
=fecha= date.
=fechoria= action, misdeed.
=fehacientes= (_faith-inspiring_) conclusive.
=felicidad= _f._ happiness.
=felicitar= to congratulate.
=feligresia= parish.
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