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Novelas Cortas

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=este= _m._ =esta= _f._ =esto= _n._ this; =en esto= at this moment.
=estercolar= to manure.
=estiercol= _m._ manure, fertilizer.
=estilo= style.
=estio= summer.
=estomago= stomach.
=estorbar= to hinder, trouble.
=estrangular= to strangle.
=estrechar= to compress, press, clasp.
=estrecho= narrow, close, _m._ strait.
=estrella= star.
=estremecer= to shudder, tremble.
=estrenar= to use for the first time.
=estrepito= noise.
=estructura= structure.
=estruendo= noise, clamor.
=estudiante= _m._ student.
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