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Novelas Cortas

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=engrandecer= to aggrandize.
=enjugar= to dry, wipe.
=enjuto= dried up.
=enlazar= to join, unite.
=enloquecer= to madden.
=enojar= to irritate, anger.
=enorgullecer= _vr._ to be proud.
=enorme= enormous.
=enredar= to entangle, complicate.
=enrevesado= difficult, obscure.
=enristrar= to couch a lance, etc.
=enrojecer= to redden.
=enronquecer= to make hoarse; _vr._ grow hoarse.
=ensalada= salad.
=ensenar= to teach, show.
=entablar= to begin.
=entablillar=  to secure with boards.
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