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Novelas Cortas

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=encanecer= to grow gray.
=encantador, -a= enchanting, charming.
=encanto= charm.
=encapotar= to shroud.
=encarar= _vr._ to face.
=encarecimiento= urgency.
=encargar= to charge, commission, entrust.
=encargo= charge, commission.
=encarnacion= _f._ incarnation.
=encarnado= red; _m._ flesh-color.
=encender= to kindle, light.
=encerrar= to shut up, lock up, contain.
=encierro= confinement, prison.
=encima= above, over, at the top.
=encina= evergreen oak.
=encoger= to contract, shrug.
=encolerizar= to provoke, anger.
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