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Novelas Cortas

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=ejemplar= _m._ example, sample,
=ejemplo= example.
=ejercicio= exercise.
=ejercito= army.
=el= _m._ =la= _f._ =lo= _n._ the.
=el= _m._ =ella= _f._ =ello= _n._ he, she, it.
=elector= _m._ voter.
=elegante= elegant.
=elegir= to elect, choose.
=elemento= element.
=elevar= to elevate.
=elocuente= eloquent.
=embalsamado= balmy, odorous.
=embarcar= to embark.
=embargo=; =sin ---- (de)= notwithstanding.
=emborrachar= to intoxicate.
=emigrar= to emigrate.
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