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Novelas Cortas

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=dar= to give, strike, communicate. =---- con= hit upon, find.
  =---- en= land in, strike into.
=de= of, from, by, as, with, than, to.
=debajo= under, underneath.
=deber= to owe, be obliged, be about to, be destined to, have to.
=debil= weak, feeble.
=debilidad= _f._ weakness.
=decidir= to decide.
=decir= to say.
=decisivo= decisive.
=declarar= to declare.
=decolorar= to lose color.
=decorativo= ornamental.
=decrepito= decrepit.
=decreto= decree.
=dedicar= to dedicate, devote.
=dedo= finger.
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