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Novelas Cortas

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=cristiano, -a= Christian.
=Cristo= Christ.
=critica= criticism.
=crucifijo= crucifix.
=crudo= raw, cruel.
=crueldad= _f._ cruelty.
=crujiente= crackling.
=crujir= to creak, crack, crackle.
=cruz= _f._ cross.
=cruzado= crusader.
=cruzar= to cross, cruise.
=cuadro= square, picture, platoon.
=cual= which, who, like; =---- si= as if.
=cualquier, -a= any one, some one, whichever; =de ---- modo= any way.
=cuan= how.
=cuando= when.
=cuanto= how much, as much, how; =en ---- a= as regards.
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