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Novelas Cortas

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=casi= almost.
=casino= cafe.
=caso= case, occasion, attention, position; =hacer ----= to pay attention.
=castellano= Castilian.
=castidad= _f._ chastity.
=castigar= to chastise, punish.
=castillejo= small castle.
=castillo= castle.
=casualidad= _f._ chance.
=casualmente= by chance.
=casucha= wretched hut.
=catalan, -a= Catalan, of Cataluna.
=catar= to taste, examine; =cata aqui lo!=
=catedral= _f._ cathedral.
=catolico= Catholic.
=catorce= fourteen.
=caudal= _m._ property, fortune.
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