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Novelas Cortas

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=caballo= horse.
=cabana= cabin, hut.
=cabello= hair.
=caber= to be contained, find room, =---- duda= to be doubtful.
=cabeza= head.
=cabo= chief, leader, corporal, end, stem, cape.
=cabra= goat.
=cabrero= goatherd.
=cada= each, every; =---- cual= each one.
=cadaver= _m._ corpse.
=cadena= _f._ chain.
=caer= to fall; _vr._ to fall; =---- en algo= to understand.
=cafe= _m._ coffee, coffee-house.
=caid= (_Arabic_) commander of a fort.
=calabacera= pumpkin vine.
=calabaza= pumpkin.
=calabozo= dungeon.
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