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Novelas Cortas

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=brazo= arm.
=brena= craggy, broken surface.
=brenal= briery or brambly ground.
=bribon= _m._ rascal.
=brillante= brilliant.
=brillar= to shine.
=brillo= brilliancy.
=brindar= to toast _(with wine), vr._ to offer.
=brindis= _m._ toast.
=brisa= breeze.
=brocal= _m._ curbstone of a well.
=brotar= to germinate, break out.
=bruma= haziness, mist.
=buenamente= easily, by fair means.
=buenaventura= fortune-telling.
=bueno= good.
=buey= _m._ ox.
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