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Novelas Cortas

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=bayonetazo= thrust with a bayonet.
=beato= blessed, devout, fanatic, obscurantist.
=beber= to drink.
=bebida= drink, beverage.
=belleza= beauty.
=bendecir= to bless.
=bendicion= _f._ blessing.
=bendito= blessed.
=besar= to kiss.
=beso= kiss.
=bey= _(Turkish)_ governor.
=biblia= bible.
=biblico= biblical.
=bicho= insect.
=bien= well, right, else; _m._ good, utility, benefit, property, riches;
  =no ----=, no sooner; =---- que=, although.
=bienhechor-a= benefactor.
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