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Novelas Cortas

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=aguardar= to expect, wait for.
=aguardiente= _m._ brandy.
=aguja= needle.
=Agustin= Augustine.
=ahi= there.
=ahogar= to suffocate, drown.
=ahora= now; =---- bien=, well then.
=ahorcar= to hang.
=ahorrar= to save, spare.
=aire= _m._ air.
=ajar= to spoil.
=ajeno= alien, of another; =lo ----= what belongs to another.
=ajuar= _m._ household furniture.
=ajustar= to adjust.
=alacran= _m._ scorpion.
=alargar= to extend, hand.
=alarido= outcry, shout.
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