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Novelas Cortas

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=adquirir= to acquire.
=aduanero-a= custom-house officer.
=aduar= _m._ ambulatory Arab camp.
=advertencia= advice, warning.
=advertir= to warn, notify.
=aereo= aerial.
=afable= affable.
=afamado= famous.
=afan= _m._ anxiety, trouble.
=afectar= to affect.
=afecto= affectionate, well affected.
=aferrar= _vr._ to grapple, grasp.
=afinar= to tune.
=afirmar= to affirm.
=aflojar= to loosen.
=afortunado= fortunate.
=afrancesado= Frenchified Spaniard, Francomaniac, French sympathizer.
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