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Novelas Cortas

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=acompanar= to accompany.
=aconsejar= to counsel, advise.
=acordar= _vr._ to remember.
=acostar= to put into bed; _vr._ go to bed.
=acostumbrar= to accustom.
=acreditar= to assure, give credit to.
=acribillar= to pierce like a sieve.
=actitud= _f._ attitude.
=acto= act; =en el ----=, instantly.
=acudir= to run up, succor, have recourse to.
=acunar= to coin.
=acurrucar= _vr._ to squat.
=acusacion= _f._ accusation.
=acusar= to accuse.
=adaptar= to adapt.
=adelantar= to advance, profit, get the start of.
=adelante= forward, henceforth.
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