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Novelas Cortas

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=abrigo= shelter.
=Abril= _m._ April.
=abrir= to open.
=abrumar= to overwhelm.
=absolutista= absolutist, ultra-conservative.
=absoluto= absolute.
=absorber= to absorb.
=abuelo-a= grandparent, ancestor.
=abultar= to increase, enlarge.
=abundancia= abundance.
=aburrir= to weary, bore; _vr._ be bored,
=abuso= ill use, abuse.
=aca= here, hither.
=acabar= to finish, end; =---- de=, to have just...
=acallar= to quiet, hush.
=acampar= to encamp.
=acariciar= to caress.
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