me. 4. It will be a marvel should he see his daughters. 5. It is impossible that we should stay in the place. 6. It was impossible for them to stay in Cadiz. 7. Is it a wonder that he should not set out for Cadiz to-day? 8. Was it necessary (_preciso_) that you should set out? 9. It is infamous that he should say those things to-day. XIX. SUBJUNCTIVE [_After conjunctions, adverbs, etc._] PAGE 73, LINES 30-6 (page 74) 1. He left the receipt in order that you might see that he had paid. 2. He will leave a receipt so that you may see that you have paid him. 3. I will bring you the receipt before you pay me. 4. He said that he would bring me a receipt before I paid him. 5. We will bring him the books
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