VIII. CONJUNCTIVE PRONOUNS PAGE 29, LINES 32-7 (page 30) 1. I knew him. 2. He knew me. 3. I am selling him the picture. 4. He was selling us the pictures. 5. "You have not understood him," answered the friars. 6. I tell you that the authors of those paintings have died. 7. Will you tell us when they died? 8. You ask for the pictures--I sold them to him. 9. Do they want the picture? We will sell it to them. IX. THE REFLEXIVE. THE PASSIVE [_With reflexive substitute_] PAGE 32, LINES 14-25 1. The artist approached. 2. We were approaching. 3. The prior was surrounded by all (of) them. 4. The coffins were seen[1] on the ground.
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