116-6: =Atila=: _Attila_, king of the Huns, who devastated Europe about the middle of the fifth century. 117-1: =?De que pecan?=: _in what respect are they wrong_ (lit. _do they sin_)? 117-2: =de exagerados=: (i.e. _pecan de exagerados_) _they have the fault of being exaggerated_. 118-1: =pro indiviso=: (Latin) _undivided_. 118-2: =habra=: cf. note _no habria andado_, p. 8, 6. 119-1: =Lazaro=: for the story of the resurrection of Lazarus, see the Gospel of John, xi. 120-1: =capella ardente=: (Italian) place where a dead body lies in
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