and strength. For _volvio a_ cf. note _se volvio a reir_, p. 2, 3. 110-3: =Por manera que=: _so that_. 110-4: =con posterioridad a=: _subsequent to_. 110-5: =andando el tiempo=: cf. note _escrita la carta_, p. 83, 5. 111-1: =Spitzberg=: Spitzbergen, a group of islands in the Arctic Ocean north of Norway. 111-2: =al hacha=: cf. note _al ave_, p. 25, 3. 111-3: =lo que si se=: _si (yes)_ is often redundantly used to emphasize a verb. 111-4: =emigrarian=: cf. note _no habria andado_, p. 8, 6.
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