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Novelas Cortas

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Moors still preserve the title deeds to their Andalusian estates and
even the keys of the houses, to which they hope to return.

92-5: =los cartagineses=: The Carthaginian influence predominated in
Spain for several centuries till the end of the second Punic war in 201
B.C.; the Roman domination extended over several centuries from that
date. The Vandals and Goths ruled in Spain from the fifth to the eighth
century and the Moors from the eighth to the fifteenth.

92-6: =por la (or _lo_ or _el_) presente=: _at the present time_.

92-7: =suponiendo que=: _assuming that_.

92-8: =projimo=: (noun) _one's neighbor, fellow-man; proximo -a_
(adj.) next, nearest, neighboring.

92-9: =nada mas que=: _solely_.
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