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Novelas Cortas

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78-4: =todo lo que es deshacer=: _destruction in any form_.

78-5: =hay que deshacer=: cf. note _lo que hay que hacer_, p. 12, 4.

78-6: =francmason=: in Catholic countries the freemason is regarded
as the embodiment of radical and subversive ideas. The church ofticially
disapproves of freemasonry.

78-7: =que tengo=: _que_, for. _Que_ is often used elliptically for
_pues que_, etc.

78-8: =canuto=: _tube_. Apparently soldiers carried their discharge
in a metallic tube to protect it from exposure.

78-9: =ni tan siquiera=: _not even_. Cf. note _tan solo_, p. 13, 2.

79-1: =tambien me estorba a mi lo negro=: _I also am embarrassed by_
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