76-4: =ponga en cuarentena=: _put into quarantine_, i.e. _regard with suspicion._ 76-5: =Aben-Humeya=: (the prefixes _ben_ and _aben_ in Moorish names mean _son, the son_). Lived 1520-1568. He was the king of the Moors of _la Alpujarra_, and was condemned to death by Philip II. 76-6: =(a)=: _alias_. 77-1: =el tal Juan=: _this same John_. Cf. note _la tal effigie_, p. 65, 4. 77-2: =no entendia de letra=: _was illiterate_. 77-3: =a censo enfiteutico=: _on a long-time_ (or perpetual) _lease_. 77-4: =caudal de Propios=: _public property_ (belonging to the town).
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