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Novelas Cortas

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69-2: =la barba=: _their chins_. For the article cf. note _se la_, p.
4, 6.

69-3: =y era que=: _and (the fact) was that_.

69-4: =llevaba=: cf. note _llevarian_, p. 6, 2.

69-5: =tamanas como=: _as big as_. The usual _tan_ of comparisons of
equality is implicit in the first syllable of _tamanos_ (from the Latin
_tam magnas_).

69-6: =pasabase=: cf. note _lo que me digo_, p. 7. 5.

70-1: =se las coma=: cf. note _lo que me digo_, p. 7. 5.

70-2: =iLastima=: _it's a pity_!

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