65-2: =el que... ella se brindara=: _que ella se brindara_ is treated as a substantive clause, which _el_ precedes as it would a mere noun. 65-3: =por creer=: _because he believed_. 65-4: =la tal efigie=: (familiar style) _this (same) portrait_. 65-5: =debio de probar=: _must have proved_. Cf. Idiomatic Commentary, 59. 66-1: =Es cuanto se=: cf. note _que cuanto veiamos_, p. 48, 1. 66-2: =Vive Dios que=: as God lives. Cf. note _como que no_, p. 14, 1. 67-1: =El Libro Talonario=: a book of checks, receipts, etc., in
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