50-5: =voy alla= (or _alla voy_): _I am coming to that_.
51-1: =Ello fue=: cf. note _ello es_, p. 6, 1.
51-2: =a Cataluna=: cf. note _el Principado_, p. 16, 9, and note _a
Espana_, p. 35, 11.
51-3: =se me ha olvidado=: _I have forgotten_.
51-4: =Bailen=: a city of southern Spain (Andalusia), the scene of a
signal victory of the Spanish over the French, who capitulated to the
number of 20,000 (1808). =Zaragoza=, a city in northeastern Spain
(Aragon), the scene of two sieges (1808-1809), the Spanish holding out
with desperate heroism against the French invaders, and only
surrendering after 50,000 of themselves had perished.
51-5: =paladin=: this term was applied to the knights of Charlemagne,
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