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Novelas Cortas

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45-8: =habra contado=: cf. note _no habria andado_, p. 8, 6.

45-9: =que lo busque=: cf. note _que... muera_, p. 3, 6.

45-10: =Le Pape!=: (French) _the Pope!_

45-11: =con un palmo de boca abierto=: _open-mouthed; agape_.

45-12: =papa abuelo=: cf. note _papa abuelo_, p. 15, 5.

45-13: =A ver=: cf. note _a ver_, p. 44, 6.

45-14: =Toma=: cf. note _calla_, p. 31, 5.

45-15: =iY si esta parado!=: _but it is stopped_. Cf. p. 4, line 12
and note.

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