34-4: =iToma! Como que vendia=: _Why_! (cf. note _icalla!_ p. 31, 5) _didn't he sell_ (_como que_, inasmuch as). 34-5: =Fernando VII=: a weak and tyrannical monarch who began to reign in 1808, but yielded his crown to Napoleon I. Restored to power in 1814, he reigned till 1833. Cf. also note p. 51, 7. 34-6: =que algazara traen=: _what a noise they are making_. 34-7: =entramos=: cf. note _me matan_, p. 3, I. 34-8: =cuartos... ochavos=: the _cuarto_ (1/4) was a small copper coin (obsolete) worth four _maravedis_. _Cuarto_ is also, however, a (fourth) part of a lacerated body--cf. the English _draw and quarter_. _Hacer cuartos_ may be translated by this phrase and _hacer ochavos_ by _make mincemeat_.
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