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Novelas Cortas

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33-3: =sapos y culebras y agua llovediza=: i.e. popular remedies not
recognized in the legitimate _materia medica_.

33-4: =un tal Garcia=: _a certain Garcia_.

33-5: =acaso, y sin acaso=: _quite certainly_.

33-6: =varon ilustre=: a Greek athlete, Milo of Crotona (in southern
Italy), frequent victor in the Olympic games. By lifting and carrying a
bull-calf daily, he was able, so the legend runs, ultimately to carry
the full-grown bull. He came to his death by trying to pull asunder a
split tree, which, reacting, held him fast until devoured by the wolves.

33-7: =campar por su respeto=: (to be absolute master of one's own
actions) _to have everything one's own way; to have full sway_.

33-8: =se llamara=: cf. note _no habria andado_, p. 8, 6.
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