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Novelas Cortas

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16-1: =Mazzepa=: (or rather _Mazeppa_) a Pole, who in punishment for
an intrigue, was bound to the back of a horse, which carried him among
the Cossacks, where he rose to distinction and high command. _Vide_
Byron's poem _Mazeppa_.

16-2: =Carlos XII=: _(doce_-- the ordinal numerals above _decimo_ not
being used with names of sovereigns) _Charles XII_, king of Sweden
(lived 1682-1718). He fought, at first with brilliant success, against
the Czar, Peter the Great, but was ultimately defeated.

16-3: =Carlos e Isabel=: Fernando VII (see notes _Fernando_, pp. 34,
5 and 51, 17) left the Spanish throne to his daughter, _Isabel II_, but
_Don Carlos_. her uncle, laid claim to it by virtue of the Salic law
excluding women from the throne. A long and disastrous civil warfare
ensued between his party, the _Carlistas_, and the party of the
queen-regent, Maria Cristina, the _Cristinos_.

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