3-6: =iQue... muera!=: _may I die! let me die_! As the subjunctive used with imperative value, depends on some desiderative verb understood, the _que_ which would follow that verb is usually retained in Spanish (as in French), though not when _V._ or _VV._ is used. 3-7: =para decirte la buenaventura=: _to tell your fortune_. 4-1: =a todo trapo=: _under full sail_ (lit. _rag_), i.e. _unrestrainedly_. 4-2: =si son de alegria=: _why! they are tears of joy_. _Si_ is often used to introduce an emphatic assertion. It may be translated by an expletive or omitted entirely. Cf. p. 45, line 31 and note. 4-3: =tomado a este hombre=: (_a = from_). The preposition _a_ is regularly used with the value of the English _from_, after verbs like _steal, deprive, buy_, etc.
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