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Novelas Cortas

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often represented by the present (and the pluperfect by the imperfect)
after _despues_ or _hace_ (ago).

2-3: =se volvio a reir= = _volvio a reirse_, laughed again. _Volver
a_, followed by an infinitive, is to be rendered as a formula of
repetition, as, _again, once more_, etc.

2-4: =no hay quien lo haga=: _there is no one who can do it_.

2-5: =conoce nadie=: _does anybody know_? Observe that _nadie_ is not
necessarily negative. Cf. use of _jamas_, etc.

3-1: =me matan=: a vivid use of the present for the future.

3-2: =vestido de macareno=: _dressed in a loud or striking fashion_.
The _macareno_ is a native of one of the districts of Seville.

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