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Novelas Cortas

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=Page 79 (Review 132, 15, 52, 35, 110, 12).=

175. Hace luna.                    The moon shines.
176. Venga V. _en cuanto_          Come as soon as day dawns.

=Page 80 (Review 159, 47, 66, 176, 73, 80).=

177. Voy _a casa de_ mi tio.       I am going to my uncle's house.
178. Manana _estara de vuelta_.    He will be back to-morrow.
179. Vino _el tal_ hombre.         The said man (_or_ this
                                          same man) came.

=Page 81 (Review 14, 16, 104, 110, 39, 9).=

180. _Huele a_ hereje.             This smacks of heresy.

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