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Novelas Cortas

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98. _Ha de_ ir (cf. note 3, 3).    He must (_or_ is to) go.
99. Vino _a_ darmelo.              He came to give it to me.

N.B. The infinitive expressing purpose is regularly preceded by _para_,
but after verbs of motion by _a_.

=Page 25 (Review 77, 47, 64, 29, 88).=

=Page 26 (Review 9, 61).=

100. No encuentra nada _que_       He finds nothing to admire.
101. _Cerca del_ lecho.            Near the bed.

=Page 27 (Review 77, 23, 14, 81, 9, 47, 18).=

102. _Aquel_ es desgraciado,       The former is wretched, the
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