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Novelas Cortas

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57. _Acabo de_ llegar.              I have just arrived.
_Acababa de_ hablar.                I had just spoken.
58. _Desde luego_ se fue.           He went away immediately.
59. _Debo_ hablar.                  I must (_or_ am to) speak.
_Debia_ hablar.                     I was to speak.
_Debi_ hablar.                      I had to speak.
El _debia de_ ser (conjectural).    It must have been he.
60. _Me despedi_ de el.             I took leave of him.
61. Vino _otro_.                    _An_other came.

=Page 11 (Review 9, 32, 53, 36).=

62 _Luego que_ vine.                As soon as I came.

63. _Detras de_ la casa esta        It is behind the house.
       (cf. 48).

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