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How to Analyze People on Sight

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Any person inclined to the Cerebral type--that is, with a large, wide,
high forehead or a large head for his body--will succeed in some line of
work where study and mental effort are required.

Things to Avoid

The pure Cerebral should avoid every kind of work that calls for
manual or bodily effort, physical strenuosity, lifting of heavy things,
or the handling of large machines. He should avoid every kind of work
that gives no outlet for planning or thinking. He should avoid being an
employer because he sees the employee's viewpoint so clearly that he
lives in his skin instead of his own. This means that he does not get
the service out of employees that other types get.

He is not fitted in any way to rule others, dislikes to dominate them,
feels like apologizing all the time for compelling them to do things,
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