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How to Analyze People on Sight

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Chances for Money-Making

Chances for the Osseous to make a great deal of money are few. Unless
he confines himself to finance--working as exclusively with money as
possible--or to dealing with natural resources, the Osseous seldom
becomes rich.

He cares more for money than any of the other types, saves a much larger
portion of what he earns, and no matter how rich, is seldom extravagant.
His greatest obstacle to money-making is his tendency to hang on to
whatever he has, awaiting the rise in prices which never go quite high
enough to suit him.

An Osseous friend of ours has lived for forty years on almost nothing
while holding, for a fabulous price, an old residential corner on a
desirable block of a downtown street in one of the large American
cities. He could have sold it years ago for enough to make him
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