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How to Analyze People on Sight

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overalls a badge of inferiority, or a white collar the mark of
superiority. Many a man in blue denim today could buy and sell the
collar-and-cuff friends of his earlier years. The size of a man's
laundry bill is no criterion of his income.

Popular Misconceptions

Other parents make the equally foolish mistake of showing their
dislike of certain professions. Not long ago we heard a father say in
the presence of his large family, "I don't want any of my boys to be
lawyers. Lawyers are all liars. Ministers are worse; they're all a bunch
of Sissies. Doctors are all fakes. Actors are all bad eggs; and business
is one big game of cheat or be cheated. I'm going to see that every boy
I've got becomes a farmer."

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