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How to Analyze People on Sight

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Don't push your child into any vocation he dislikes.

Don't be like the parents we dined with recently. As we sat around the
table they pointed out their four children as follows: "There's
Georgie--we're going to make a doctor of him. Our best friend is a
doctor. We'll make a lawyer out of Johnnie. There's been a lawyer in the
family for generations. Jimmie is to be a minister. We thought it was
about time we had one of them in the family."

"What about Helen?" we asked.

"Oh, Helen--why, she's going to marry and have a nice home of her own."

Any student of Human Analysis would have recognized that of this quartet
of children not one was being directed into the right vocation. He would
have seen that the square-jawed Muscular Jimmie would make a much better
lawyer than a minister; that little Johnnie should be a teacher or a
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